"Committed to strengthening our community by looking upward, searching inward and reaching outward!"
"Committed to strengthening our community by looking upward, searching inward and reaching outward!"
A place of growth, prosperity and deliverance!
Worship Experience
Bible Study from 7:00p - 8:00p
We are persuaded that salvation is not limited only to the soul of man. It is also inclusive of the well-being of mankind's mental, social, financial, physical and emotional states. To this end, Words of Life Ministries is committed to improving lives by holistic ministry while encouraging positive words of affirmation in accordance with God's word --- WORDS OF LIFE!
We aim to strengthen ties between church and community using various means to include, but not limited to: food programs, health screenings, clothes and school drives, financial workshops, community clean-up projects and church-hall meetings.
We welcome every opportunity to worship with you. Please feel free to come, and bring a friend!